Partners in the Clil4U Project

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SDE College (Syddansk Erhvervsskole Odense-Vejle)

SDE is one of the largest technical colleges in Denmark. The college has 5,000 FTE students and the number of staff is about 830. The college consists of a vocational school, a senior high school and an academy of higher education. The vocational school covers nine branches (production, ICT, transport, logistics, construction, media, health, service and service industry).

The students of the VET‐school have a diverse cultural and educational background due to an allocation of different nationalities, ethnic minorities, different cultures, in the area.

SDE has done a lot in order to integrate students with different backgrounds into vocational education e.g. mentor arrangements, flexible training models, cooperation with other schools, parents, enterprises and social partners. Further, the college has carried out comprehensive competence development of teachers and managers.

Since 1992, the college has participated in a large number of national and international projects as partner and in many cases as coordinator.

SDE will coordinate the project and is responsible for the dissemination of results outside the partnership, overall dissemination, website, promotion material, compiling and editing newsletters, brochures, graphical layout, running the pilot courses in Denmark, and testing with students.

SDE has an international department, which is responsible for running the economical management of projects. In the proposed project the department manager Ole Bech Kristensen will be in charge of the project financial management checking documentation and eligibility of occurred costs from the project partnership. The department will set up a dedicated project account system within the SDE administration so all cost types can easily be retrieved, documented, and monitored.

SDE teacher trainers experienced in action learning principles and computer assisted language learning will together with our associated partner NCE (Nationalt Center for Erhvervspædagogik) offer courses across Denmark with participants from VET colleges, but also from language centres (immigrant and refugee courses).

Together with UCL (University College Lillebaelt) we will run courses for teacher students, and in-service course for teachers from the Comenius sector.

We will in cooperation with EUC-Lillebaelt run VET teacher courses covering Funen, Southern- and Middle Jutland.

SDE will through our network ensure national dissemination of the project results and findings and will make use of our international dissemination networks, e.g. EfVET and EuroCall.

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Contact persons

Kent Andersen:

Tel. +45 40797720


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KGS is a school with 620 pupils aged from 5 to 16 years. It is divided into three departments, 0.-3. class, 4.-6. class and 7.-9. class. The school is known for the development and innovation in relation to the pedagogical practices in teaching. In recent years the staff has been working with various development projects. There have been a particular focus on science lessons, and how they could be involved in a variety of interdisciplinary topics. The school is also working with postponed class formation in 0. class (Kindergarden class/ pre primary) to optimize the process of formation of classes. The school has recently acquired interactive whiteboards and is researching different ways of integrating them in the teaching.
Currently the school is working with the implementation of the school's vision in relation to innovation in teaching and how different learning styles and Cooperative Learning can optimize the teaching.

At the school there is good cooperation between teachers teaching the same year group. The character of the cooperation is both in relation to the preparation around interdisciplinary topics and teaching between the year group cooperation. There is also a major focus on cooperation between school and parents, as well as on how parents can be involved in the school.

KGS's role in the project will be to develop and describe scenarios for children in preschool, describe how parents can be involved and enlightened about CLIL as well as testing and translating other school's training course. Later on the teachers in the project will provide training for other teachers.

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Spanish Confederation of Education and Training Centres (CECE) & Colegio Zola

The Spanish Confederation of Education and Training Centres (CECE) is a non-profit employers´ and professional organization founded in 1977. It represents a wide educational sector in Spain from nursery school to university level.  It has more than 5.000 Education and training centres among its members.

CECE institutional roles are:  the management of updating for educational agreements; the negotiation of the collective agreements for this sector; the representation of this sector in the collegiate boards with educational participation; institutional presence in the Spanish Employers Organisation (CEOE) and in some international organisations in which it takes an active role as well as the relationship and contacts with Education Public Authorities. CECE is member of the internacional organisations:  EFVET (European Forum for Technical and Vocational Education and Training), ESHA (European School Headmaster Association) and ECNAIS (European Council of National Associations of Independent Schools).

CECE gives support to his members in 5 areas: (1) organization of LLL courses for teachers; (2) implementation of technological innovation in its members; (3) internationalization of the members; (4) Assistance in the implementation of the EFQM Excellence Model in its member institutions. (5) Legal consultancy for the member institutions.

FEDELE,, belongs to CECE. FEDELE is the Spanish Federation of Associations of Schools of Spanish as a Foreign Language and it consists of six associations, which in turn comprise a total of 90 Schools of Spanish as a Foreign Language. FEDELE's main objective is to promote a status of quality in the Teaching of Spanish in Spain. All federated schools have obtained at least one of two quality stamps in the field of Spanish Teaching (Accreditation Certificate from Instituto Cervantes or from CEELE).

CECE´s educational profile has widened with the constitution of its Foundation (Fundación Ángel Martínez Fuertes) in 1996 that centres its activities on social inclusion through training of unemployed persons, persons over 45, women, disabled persons, immigrants

CECE has a large experience in LLL program, and it has participated in several projects, some of them related to languages, as coordinator and as partner. The importance of the language is increasing at National level and the Regions have, most of them, a bilingual program for Pre-Primary and Primary schools.

In the project teachers from Colegio Zola one of the CECE primary schools will develop and test CLIL scenarios in their school and participate in the pilot courses. The CECE teacher training department is responsible for assisting with developing the final CLIL teacher course and pilot the course with subject and language teachers. CECE is responsible for dissemination through EfVET, ESHA, and ECNAIS conferences.

Centro Educativo Zola is a state subsidised school for pupils aged 2 to 17. The school is located on Avenida de Esparta 6 Las Rozas, Madrid and has about 1600 students on roll. It is a Bilingual education school offering English and German as main languages. Centro Educativo Zola bases its main strategy in foreign language teaching regarding bilingual programs in English and German, as well as in outstanding academic results development. We employ didactic innovation policies personalising teaching to a maximum level, being able to cope with pupils’ diversity. The school is located in a residential area in the northwest of the city and provides service to the residents of Las Rozas village.

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Contact persons

Marian Villanueva:


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Educational Excellence Corporation Ltd. (Intercollege)

Intercollege is one of the leading colleges in Cyprus, which has been offering a wide range of vocational and academic programs to students since its inception in 1989. Intercollege offers programs in Culinary Arts, Aesthetics and Beauty Therapy, Computer Technology, Information Technology, Electrical and Mechanical Technology etc. leading to a Diploma (vocational programs) or a Bachelor's degree, as well as a number of professional training programs. In the last few years Intercollege has also developed an extensive network of European partners through its leadership and involvement in innovative European projects. The college’s academic and administrative staff has extensive experience in project management, research, as well as in developing and implementing educational/training programs through European funded programmes. Public opinion has recognized the comprehensive contribution Intercollege is making.  Indeed, a national survey has found Intercollege to be "the most reputable College in Cyprus". All the above contribute to Intercollege’s vision for the future, and are encapsulated in the College’s motto "Excellence in Education”.

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Contact persons

46 Makedonitissas Avenue
1700, Nicosia Cyprus

Maria Theodorou:

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Malta College of Arts Science and Technology

MCAST is the Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology.   The College, a unique institution on the Maltese Islands, is made up of 10 Institutes and a Gozo Centre, mainly:

  • Institute of Information  and Communication Technology,
  • Maritime Institute
  • Business and Commerce Institute
  • Mechanical Engineering Institute
  • Electronics and Electrical Engineering Institute
  • Agribusiness Institute
  • Building and Construction Engineering Institute
  • Art and Design Institute
  • Institute of Community Services
  • Institute of Applied Sciences
  • Gozo Centre

The College also has a Part time/Ad Hoc courses department, an International Programmes Department, a Sports Department, a Basic Skills Unit and a Vocational Teacher Training Unit.
The full-time student population now stands at approximately 6000 students.  During each academic year MCAST also provides short courses and ESF courses for approximately 4,000 part-time students. MCAST employs approximately more tan 500 members of staff.
The Malta College of Arts, Science and Technology was officially inaugurated in September 2001.  MCAST was established by bringing together a number of separate institutes and creating new ones.

The MCAST’s mission statement clearly emphases the international dimension of the education and training to be provided to all its students. MCAST also offers course through a number of international awarding bodies.

Our mission statement that guides the College and its employees is as follows: “To provide universally accessible vocational and professional education and training with an international dimension, responsive to the needs of the individual and the economy”.  The main role of the College is to provide vocational education and training to Maltese young people in order to satisfy the requirements of the local industry. 

The most important members at MCAST are the students.  They are at the centre of initiatives and decisions taken by the administrative bodies, namely the Board of Governors and the Council of Institutes.

To handle the project MCAST financial management will set up the needed accounts identified specifically for project costs so we at any time can extract these for monitoring, documentation, and reporting purposes.

In the project MCAST will translate materials into Maltese, develop and test CLIL scenarios and peer review the other partners with a special focus on the vocational colleges. MCAST will together with the ETI-Malta test the first pilot courses in Malta with staff from MCAST and help recruit the course participants from other institutions across Malta. MCAST will together with ETI-Malta and SDE prepare the online pre-course units for language training of the content/subject teachers.

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Contact persons

John Sciberras:


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Executive Training Institute (ETI) Malta

The ETI –Malta (Executive Training Institute) is a training provider in Malta. The organisation forms part of the ESE (European School of English) Group which was established in 1996. ETI is the training arm of the group, specialising in immersion English language and communication training programmes as well as CPD (Continuing Professional Development) programmes. These programmes mainly address in-service adults and professionals wishing to improve their communication skills in English and performance when working internationally.  ETI is also the Test for English in Aviation (T.E.A) Centre in Malta.

ETI is also a leading Teacher Training provider running  in-service courses to teachers (an average of 200 -250 teachers annually from all over Europe and EU LLP participating states) on Comenius and Grundtvig In-Service programmes (see This will now be replaced by the Erasmus + programme. In-service training programmes are mainly based on the application of methodologies (in language teaching, and the application of ICT Tools and Technology Enhanced Learning in the classroom, as well as professional development courses in Communication Skills in English, and Intercultural and Interpersonal Skills to the Grundtvig audience. ETI is also the training provider for the “Training in Internationalisation” course which takes place in Malta as part of the IOA Project (International Operator Agent), an LdV project developing the professional competence and skills for teachers and co-ordinators in VET.

ETI is managed by Franco E. Debono, ETI Director General, who has worked on national EU Affairs in Transport legislation (Aviation, Maritime and Land) in his role as Policy Manager for the Ministry of Investment and Transport. The Teacher Training team at ETI is led by Sandra Attard-Montalto, the Director of Academic Development & Training, who has developed and run all in-service training courses for a number of years at ETI, together with Nick Brieger who leads the language and communication training programmes and Professional Skills Development programmes at ETI. The Executive Training Institute is located in St.Julian’s, offering the latest training facilities, such as interactive whiteboards, which provide a relevant learning environment. Trainers at ETI are qualified as Cambridge Hitachi Starboard teacher trainers on the use of interactive whiteboards.

ETI will form part of the Teacher Trainer team on the project.  ETI will apply communicative language teaching methods to CLIL and will develop improved in-service training courses on CLIL which will aim to overcome some of the barriers to successful implementation of CLIL in the Primary and Secondary sector. In the first half of the project, ETI will run an in-service training pilot course for primary and secondary school teachers in Malta. ETI will also be running CLIL in-service teacher training courses, as well as disseminating the results of previous POOLs projects to teachers in the EU and EU LLP participating states, through the in-service training Comenius and Grundtvig programmes and later Erasmus + ( 2014-2020). 

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Contact persons

Franco Debono:

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SUPSI (University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland

Founded under federal law, SUPSI (University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland) was established by Canton Ticino 11th March 1997. SUPSI operates alongside The University of Southern Switzerland (USI), and together SUPSI and USI constitute the Italian language university pole in Switzerland, comprising approximately 6500 Bachelor and Master students, plus around 6000 students attending continuing education programmes.
SUPSI offers more than 30 Bachelor's Degree and Master's Degree courses, characterised by cutting edge education uniting classical theoretical-scientific instruction with a professional orientation. Great care is given to research, carried out in key sectors on competitively acquired projects with large European and national agencies or mandated by organisations and institutions in the social, economic, health, education, pedagogy, construction, technical, design, music and theatre fields.
SUPSI CLIR (Centre of Languages and International Relations) organises language courses in German, English and Italian for foreigners (all Bachelor students must choose at least one language option, generally reaching B2 level), with the objective of supporting exchanges during studies and preparing graduates for the workplace. In order to integrate the students’ own education with the learning of languages, the Centre also promotes and administers student participation in the Erasmus programme. CLIR is also the official centre for the Cambridge University and the Goethe-Institut international exams.
SUPSI has participated as “silent partner” in two previous projects: POOLS-t and POOLS-m. However, Swiss institutions are now eligible to participate fully in EC funded projects.

SUPSI responsibilities in this new project will be to contribute to and peer-review the scenario-writing process, giving advice/feedback especially regarding the selection of scenarios suitable for the demonstration videos. After having selected the scenarios, SUPSI will prepare the story-boards and filming directions for the sub-contracted camera team, and will then execute the production and editing phase. SUPSI will also be responsible for finalising the Italian content of the materials and writing the English subtitles for the videos. SUPSI will participate in the quality control group, peer reviewing the 2 teams responsible for course books and pilot courses. SUPSI will write articles for the project newsletters and present the results during workshops and conferences in Switzerland, Italy and elsewhere. SUPSI will run teachers’ courses in Switzerland.

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Contact persons

Germana D'Alessio:


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Istituto Comprensivo Montegrappa

Bussero is a small village near Milan, in northeast area. It has about 8000 inhabitants.
In Bussero there are a Pre-primary private school, an Infant school, a Primary school and a Secondary school. The last three are part of a Comprehensive Institute called I.C."Monte Grappa" for pupils from 3 to 13 years old.

In our primary school there are about 400 pupils from 6 to 11 and 50 teachers.
Pupils who attend the school are both children from socially disadvantaged backgrounds and as well as students from more affluent backgrounds whose parents have a relevant cultural and professional position.

Our Primary School is organized on a 40hours model currently, corresponding to fulltime model from Monday to Friday. Classes start at 8.30 a.m. and finish at 16.30 pm.
In the school there are also foreign students and pupils with Special Education Needs, ranging from autism to more specific behavioral issues and diseases. Therefore, the school tries to promote activities aiming at encouraging education for tolerance and awareness of gender equality, respect of diversity and cooperation with others. In the Institute we are managing a lot of projects ranging from CLIL to cultural integration, from theatre to horse-therapy.

We collaborate with other schools in close villages organizing courses, meetings and initiatives.
I.C.”Monte Grappa” is in our local area (East-Milan) Extension School for the teaching of foreign languages and the development of Europe wide projects.

As a school we are keen to continue to develop our pupils’ knowledge of the growing European Community. The reception of all our pupils is based on principles of socialisation, of communication and listening which facilitate wellbeing at school. Promotion of integration, prevention of stereotyping and  prejudice are cultural and educational principles incorporated in our Curriculum. The teaching of modern foreign languages throughout the schools of our Institute has a very high priority, with the use of CLIL approach, too. We have been one of the first schools in Italy, more than 10 years ago, to experience  the teaching of a subject in a foreign language as a primary school.

In the last four years the Institute has been involved in two highly successful Comenius partnerships, which have afforded the children  and staff a real insight in to other European countries and cultures, breaking social and linguistic barriers through working towards a common goal.

The school administration will prepare the economic management of the project so each cost can easily be retrieved and documented with account numbers identifying project costs like staff cost, travelling, equipment, or other expenses.

In the project teachers from I.C."Monte Grappa" will develop, describe, and test scenarios for children in primary school, describe how parents can be involved and enlightened about CLIL as well as testing and translating other school's training course. Later on the teachers in the project will provide training for other teachers.

Learn about the teachers: Albalisa Azzariti, Patrizia Maida, Simona Corio, Spina Rosina

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Last edit: January 17, 2023


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.
