POOLS-2 Consortium

Confederación Española de Centros de Enseñanza (CECE)

The Spanish Confederation of Education and Training Centres (CECE) is a non-profit employers´ and professional organization founded in 1977. It represents a wide educational sector in Spain from nursery school to university level. It has more than 5.000 Education and training centres among its members.

CECE realizes its activities in four areas: (1) assistance in the implementation of the EFQM Excellence Model in its member institutions; (2) organization of continuing training courses for teachers; (3) implementation of technological innovation in its members; (4) internationalization of the members.

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Role in project

CECE will coordinate the project and ensure a quality transfer of the POOLS project results to three new countries. CECE main responsibilities are management, quality control and monitoring, exploitation of results, and peer-reviewing the other project teams in the adaptation and implementation phases of the POOLS project results.

We will provide experienced teacher trainers, who have been running the pools courses, for the coaching workshop followed by the peer-reviewed period, which is part of the action learning approach.

CECE will through our extensive national network ensure further dissemination of the project results across Spain and through our position in EfVET (EfVET secretary and member of the EfVET executive team).

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Contact person

Marian Villanueva: marian@cece.es  Tel.: 0034 91 725 79 09

Website: www.cece.es 

European forum of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (EFVET)

The European Forum for Technical and Vocational Education and Training (EFVET)(constituted under Dutch and Belgian law) is a network of practitioner VET institutions throughout the European Member States, Candidate and Pre-Accession countries. Its primary purpose is twofold: a) To promote European wide co-operation and a sharing of good examples of practice amongst Vocational Education and Training institutions. b) Works closely with the European Commission at a strategic policy level as part of the Single Transparency Framework currently being developed. EfVET is represented on the EC Objectives working groups as part of the EUCIS Platform for Lifelong Learningin association with EVTA and other European Organisations. In addition it provides a service to individual institutions across Europe such as newsletters web site links, information services and project dissemination opportunities through its annual conference.

Role in project

EfVET’s role in this project will be as a dissemination partner in order to raise awareness of the project and its final products and results. EfVET will co-lead on this work package and use its communication channels. Website – www.efvet.org, newsletters and annual conferences to be held in October each year. Progress reports and development activity including the promotional material will be distributed across the EfVET network of 1500 VET institutions throughout Europe. The website receives some 60,000 hits per year from members and stakeholders.

Contact person

Peter Hodgson: Peter.hodgson@nortcoll.ac.uk
Tel.:0044 1761 433 161

Website: www.efvet.org

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EDEX - Educational Excellence Corporation Ltd - Intercollege

‘Intercollege’ is the largest private VET institution in Cyprus, with over 1700 students, offering a wide range of VET programs. It provides coaching and training in leadership, change management, communication skills, service excellence, corporate responsibility, personal development and information technology to businesses, non profit organizations and individuals. VET subjects have been offered since 1980. Annually, more than 500 people take part in the seminars, courses and workshops that are offered on all aspects of the Cyprus VET industry. The mission of the institution is to assist local and international organizations to achieve improved effectiveness and productivity in an increasingly competitive environment by focusing on current/future business issues and training needs; by designing and providing high quality training programs based on these needs, and by offering available practical tools for implementation. Its aims are to develop the VET system in Cyprus and Europe

Role in Project

Intercollege will adapt and translate the project materials into Greek, recruit participants and run the pilot courses in Cyprus for VET language teachers.

We will actively peer review the other partners, our main focus is to review and give feed-back to the MT partner. We will through our networks in Cyprus ensure national dissemination and exploitation of the project results and findings.

We will have an active role in the adaptation process of the course book and the course content manual and we are responsible for the final edits and compilation of these.

Contact person

Louiza Papaloizou
Project Manager

Tel. +(357) 22 841 579
Mb. +(357) 99 525 680
Fax. +(357) 22 352 057

Email: papaloizou.l@unic.ac.cy 

Website: www.intercollege.ac.cy  and https://www.unic.ac.cy

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SDE College (South Danish Vocational College)

SDE is one of the largest technical colleges in Denmark. The college has 5,000 FTE students and the number of staff is about 830. The college consists of a vocational school, a senior high school and an academy of higher education. The vocational school covers nine branches (production, IT, transport, logistics, construction, media, health, service and service industry). The students of the VET-school have a diverse cultural and educational background due to an allocation of different nationalities, ethnic minorities, different cultures, in the area.

SDE has already done a lot in order to integrate students with different backgrounds into vocational education e.g. mentor arrangements, flexible training models, cooperation with other schools, parents, enterprises and social partners. Further, the college has carried out comprehensive competence development of teachers and managers.

Since 1992, the college has participated in a large number of national and international projects.

Role and tasks in the project

SDE will exploit key technical development competencies of computing and teaching staff in the college for assisting with the technical transfer and edit of manuals and video subtitles. SDE teacher trainers experienced in action learning principles and computer assisted language learning will together with ITE-CECE coach and peer review the teachers in CY, MT, and PT.

SDE will through our network ensure national dissemination of the project results and findings and will make use of our international dissemination networks, e.g. EuroCall.

SDE is responsible for the Do It Yourself videos with subtitles in the project languages, dissemination of results outside the partnership, overall dissemination, website, promotion material, compiling and editing newsletters, brochures, graphical layout, and print of DVDs.

Contact Person

Kent Andersen

E-mail: ka@sde.dk

tel.: +4540797720 or +45 70109900

Website: www.sde.dk

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Fondazzjoni Temi Zammit

FTZ currently enrolls a staff of eight full-time workers.

Based at the University of Malta, the Fondazzjoni Temi Zammit (FTZ) is Malta’s leading local development agency. Established in 2004, it teams up several municipalities and key stakeholders together with the University itself to act as a collaborative network for the implementation of local and international projects of benefit to the Maltese community.

Areas of Specific Expertise:
1. ICT-Assisted Education
2. Research and Innovation
3. Culture and the Arts
4. Environment
5. Social and European Issues

Competence in proposed project:

FTZ operates national centre/agencies for e-learning and research mobility. Through Avicenna Knowledge Centre, FTZ produces and shares e-Learning modules with partners from more than forty countries. FTZ has also established (in conjunction with Senglea Local Council) and operates a Community Technological Learning Centre.

Role and tasks in project

FTZ will strive to gear up the application of ICT tools in the didactics of Foreign Languages. Malta is undergoing an Educational reform from its roots, and this project will serve as a boost for Maltese educators to commit themselves in the promotion of ICT tools when addressing the pedagogy of Art subjects.

FTZ will adapt and translate the project materials into Maltese, recruit participants and run the pilot courses in Malta for VET language teachers. We will based on our experience with teacher courses and ICT expertise head the process of adaptation of the course book and ensure the content is updated with units on social spaces. Teacher training is one of our main tasks so we will also the lead the work of applying and testing the in-service pilot courses.

We will actively peer review the other partners, our main focus is to review and give feed-back to the Portuguese partner.

We will through our networks across Malta ensure dissemination and exploitation of pools 2 outcomes.

Contact person

Christian Malia: christian.mallia@ftz.org.mt 

Website: www.ftz.org.mt

Tel. +356 79221186

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The University of Évora is commited with the development of Alentejo, one of the poorest regions in Europe. The University offers degrees in a great domain of subjects from Arts to Science and Technology. It is also offering VET training at Level IV from the European
Union. It offers Masters in Science and PHD. It is national and international partner for many scientific and region development projects. Works together with VET Schools and other regional partners like Instituto de Emprego e Formação Profissional (IEFP). It's Languages Department is responsible for Languages teaching to all students of the University and offers many courses open to the community.

Role and tasks in project

UE will adapt and translate the project materials into Portuguese, recruit participants and run the pilot courses in Portugal for VET and other language teachers. We will based on our experience with in‐service teacher courses head the work with updating and adapting the course content manual and in this process cooperate with the other partners to ensure that the manual is valid for all three countries. We will actively peer review the other partners, our main focus is to review and give feed-back to the Cyprus partner.

We will through our networks of VET institutions and universities across Portugal ensure national dissemination of the project results and findings.

Contact person

Maria João Marçalo

E-mail: mjm@uevora.pt

Tel. +351266740800

Evora website: https://www.uevora.pt/

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Sabhal Mòr Ostaig

SMO, as Scotland’s Gaelic college, has a specific and unique role in relation to that language. This includes teaching of and through
Gaelic at both FE and HE levels, but encompasses a wide range of additional development and cultural roles and responsibilities. The
college is a member of the UHI Millennium Institute, which is heading for full university status and includes a federal network of other FE and HE bodies spread around the Highlands and Islands region of Scotland. Partnership working is therefore key to the college’s existing modus operandi and aspirations for future growth.

SMO was the promoter of the preceding POOLS project, and worked closely both with transnational and local community partners to successfully overtake all the project outcomes. At local level this entailed collaboration with training providers involved in both Gaelic and ESOL provision. One result was the 2007 European Award for Languages for the bilingual “Scottish Island Voices” online video package, produced as part of POOLS. The college has specific competence in online materials development and computer-assisted language learning in a collaborative setting.

Role and tasks in project

SMO will provide expertise in video recording and editing and will lead work package eight, i.e. coach the teams from CY, MT, and PT in video techniques during the video workshop in March 2010. Following the workshop SMO will peer‐review the teams while they
produce the planned content videos. SMO will act as quality controller on content to ensure the outputs match the quality of the
original pools project.

Contact person

Gordon Wells,
Department of Lifelong Learning,
Sabhal Mòr Ostaig,
Teanga, Sleat,
Isle of Skye,

Email: sm00gw@groupwise.uhi

Tel. +44 1471 888 000 and +44 7879 644984

SMO website: www.smo.uhi.ac.uk

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Formation universitaire à distance, Suisse

The Distance Learning University Switzerland was founded on 1st January 2005 and is a university-level institution supported by the Swiss Confederation. It is the only university institute dedicated to distance learning in Switzerland. 1’700 students are currently studying on Bachelor’s or Master’s degrees.
The Distance Learning University Switzerland proposes its own degree courses in Psychology, Law and Economics (double diploma Swiss Bachelor and French licence). In partnership with French, German as well as Canadian Distance Learning Universities six other programs like Education, Literature, Communication, History, Mathematics and Computer Technology are offered.
Most of the students are part-time students and in full-time employment. Some of them are sponsored by their employers for their studies. The institution’s style of learning is called ‘blended learning’ with a mix between face-to-face (20%) and online (80%) courses where (computer-supported) peer collaboration and tutoring hold a prominent place.
At the teaching level, the Distance Learning University Switzerland aims to provide and support innovative and high-quality university courses. At the research level, the main objective for is to serve as an expert source of theoretical and practical knowledge of distance learning.
Finally, the Distance Learning University Switzerland aims to develop and maintain national and international partnerships at both the teaching and the research level.


Website: www.UniDistance.ch

Tel +41 (0)27 451 26 26
Fax +41 (0)27 451 26 27
E-mail: sierre@unidistance.ch

Formation universitaire à distance, Suisse
Universitäre Fernstudien Schweiz TechnoArk5 – CP 218 – CH-3960 Sierre

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Last edit: 10-06-2011


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Unique visitors since August 2002
combined pools and BP-BLTM

Statistics since October 2005. Security settings in some browsers prevent registrations, but the data is still of use when fine tuning the website.